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Tesla Owners Are Sharing If They Regret Their Purchase After *THAT* Salute From Elon Musk At Trump’s Inauguration

It took no more than a few hours after Trump’s inauguration for the timeline to be set ablaze by the actions of none other than Elon Musk.

Undoubtedly the most controversial person in Trump’s cabinet, his supposed “awkward gesture” (you know, the one that looked eerily similar to a Nazi salute) has been subject to much argument between the “anti-woke” crowd who believe it was intended as a show of appreciation to the American people, and those who’ve observed that the richest man on Earth has a pattern of supporting the far-right.

Angela Weiss / AFP via Getty Images

Elon has downplayed the salute by using typical tactics blaming liberals and “legacy media propaganda.” “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks,” he wrote on X. “The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.”

Still, no one is really buying his excuse, except for Tesla loyalists and those who are already blinded by his billion-dollar status regardless of any product he produces, as well as the ADL.

Medianews Group / MediaNews Group via Getty Images

Naturally, this incident posed a moral question to Tesla owners. As asked by u/jobomaja888 in the r/AskReddit sub, “After today’s salute, how do you feel about your vehicle and are you going to do anything about it?”

The responses were relatively divided. Some regretted their purchase, vowing to never support another Elon Musk-backed product again. Others felt as though their love and appreciation for their Tesla products is completely separate from their views on Elon. Here’s what Tesla owners had to say:

Newsday Llc / Newsday via Getty Images

1. “Seeing a lot more of those ‘I bought this before we knew’ bumper stickers.”

Smith Collection / Gado via Getty Images

2. “I’m stuck with my car for now but I won’t be buying another Tesla.” –u/-Excitebike-

3. “Elon went from the Henry Ford of our generation to the Henry Ford of our generation.”

Bettmann / Bettmann Archive via Getty

4. “I bought my Tesla in 2021, I f*cking hate Elon Musk and I’ll never support Tesla again. I love my Tesla but I will be discussing it with my wife tonight if we should sell or keep it. I would have never bought a Tesla had I known Musk was such a filthy f*cking pile of sh*t.” –u/OK_1M_REL0ADED

5. “I bought mine before Musk went totally off the rails, and I regret the purchase. However, depreciation is a real thing, and I don’t have the financial freedom to take a huge loss selling my vehicle. Instead, I simply won’t give Tesla any more money going forward, and my next vehicle upgrade will probably come sooner than it may have otherwise.”

Defodi Images News / Harry Langer/DeFodi Images via Getty Images

6. “I own a Tesla — bought it five years ago, won’t be buying another one. If I sell it, someone else buys it, drives it, and nothing else really changes except I now have to go through the pain in the ass of buying another car.”

“Will I be buying another Tesla, a SolarWall, StarLink or anything else from one of his companies? Nope. Got fooled once and that’s enough for me.” –u/Hdizz

7. “I didn’t buy a Tesla because I like Elon and I’m not gonna sell it just because he’s a Nazi. Look at how many MF’s still own Volkswagens.”

Nurphoto / NurPhoto via Getty Images

8. “I’ve been embarrassed to drive a Tesla for months. I’m in the process of getting a new car. I cannot support this f*cking c*nt.” –u/ThatsRobToYou

9. “Got rid of my Tesla right before the new year. Paid around $3500 to cancel my lease. I didn’t want to deal with an electric car in Canadian January and February. Also, did not want to be associated with the Musk.”

Anadolu / Anadolu via Getty Images

10. “I’m ending my lease two months early. When the Tesla rep asked why I’m not considering another Tesla, I said I’m sick of being associated with Elon.” –u/HapaHaole13

11. “I didn’t buy my vehicle because of that idiot. I bought it because at the time it was the only decent option with self-driving and safety features that made me comfortable for my wife, who had brain cancer, to drive. The irony is that people are now so hostile on the road towards Teslas that the safety features kinda cancel out. Luckily she works overnights and just uses it to go back and forth with few people on the road.”

Bloomberg / Bloomberg via Getty Images

12. “Bought my Tesla in 2020, so around the time he began to go off the rails. With the way he’s been behaving, I’m going to try to trade in my Tesla for an electric SUV, probably from Honda or elsewhere. Can’t support what he’s been doing. No more Teslas for me.” –u/angrygnome18d

13. “I was such a fan of Elon when he first started Tesla. I really thought, ‘Here is a really smart guy who’s going to save the world from climate change and get rich doing it. More power to him!’ I bought my car three years ago, and I still love it, but man he has shown his true colors and I’m so disgusted. But I bought my car with long-term ownership in mind, and their insurance rates are drastically cheaper for me. I try to spend my money with companies that have good/not MAGA corporate leadership, but I’m already invested in this car so I’m gonna ride it until it’s done. Next car might be a Hyundai or Rivian, maybe even GM.”

Smith Collection / Gado via Getty Images

14. “Today’s salute doesn’t change anything, because it doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know about Elon. I’ve been wanting to get rid of my 2013 Tesla Model S for years, ever since his ‘pedo guy’ comments. Which is when I sold all my Tesla stock. Missed out on a LOT of money because of that, but had to do it, as it was clear the guy was not who I thought he was.”
“It’s tough, though — as a car, it’s great. Does everything I need it to do. I’ve gotten everything on it that broke (which was a lot, but as an early adopter I expected it) fixed. But boy, having anything that’s associated with Musk is, frankly, gross. But we’re talking about many tens of thousands of dollars, and the fact is, the Model S is still (for me) an excellent car.

And while I wouldn’t be surprised if one day someone keys it or something similar, I know that my values aren’t aligned with that Nazi shi*bag, and if I’d known in 2013 what I know now (I will still argue in 2013, aside from knowing his family’s past, there was nothing that I know of that indicated anything negative other than he was kind of a smarmy douche) I wouldn’t have bought one.”–u/helava

15. “Lululemon CEO makes fun of Asian people, and everyone still uses it.”

Bloomberg / Bloomberg via Getty Images

16. “I love my 2024 Model Y Performance and I am keeping it.”

Artistic Operations / Getty Images

17. “Elon needs to be removed as CEO. He’s only a hindrance to the company’s potential.”

“I just bought a Model 3 and I love the car but absolutely despise Elon Musk’s attitude and viewpoints.

18. “Elon was never the reason I, and most Tesla owners, bought our vehicles. They are simply great cars and nowadays despite what people think, a phenomenal value. While it sucks that this is what the face of the company has become, none of it impacts how my vehicle functions or performs and it’d be silly to let it affect how I enjoy or use it. Elon is an embarrassment, but I still and will always love my car. And just to make sure it’s clear, f*ck Donald Trump. I never have and never would support that sad sack of shit and hope he gets locked away.”

19. “I bought the car before I realized what an asshat melon is. He didn’t invent Tesla, he bought into it and forced the founder out. My car is paid for, it works, and the money is already in Tesla’s pocket, so what, I set it on fire? Sell it? Kinda like shooting a case of Budweiser. Doesn’t hurt Budweiser.”

20. “I had canceled my Cybertruck order — never going to buy any kind of Tesla as long as he’s involved with the company.”

What are your thoughts on Elon Musk, Tesla, and the salute? Share them in the comments.

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