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Trump BANS Pride and Black Lives Matter Flags From ALL American Buildings Around The World

President Donald Trump stamps his authority for another shocking executive order.

This had to do with America’s presence around the globe and how he wanted only the Stars and Stripes to fly over from one building to the next. The order arrived from the State Department that bans all Pride and Black Lives Matter flags from flying on American buildings around the globe.

The effect is said to come into play without any necessary delay, the new President shared.

‘Only the US flag can be flown or on display at American facilities, both local and internationally. It can also only be featured in American government content’- he went on to reveal.

The American flag united the country under the universal principles of justice, liberty, and democracy. Therefore, Trump feels these values should remain the same and there is no room for more change.

Source: TASS

State Department facilities will still be given the chance to fly the Prisoner of War and Missing Action flag as well as any Wrongful Detainees flag.

Meanwhile, rainbow flags were long said to be a point of contention for all Republicans. But Trump has made it very clear that he’s got no interest in accepting anyone, other than the two genders of male and female.

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