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Secret ‘900-year-old’ Vatican book ‘reveals’ exactly when ‘Judgement Day’ will happen

Get your affairs in order because a 900-year-old book in the Vatican has told us we don’t have too long left to live.

The Vatican is full of hidden treasures, many of which will only ever be seen by a handful of people. But what if some of those treasures could tell us when humanity might cease to exist?

Could the date of our doom be in the Vatican? Credit: Christopher Furlong / Getty

A chilling medieval text, reportedly buried deep in the Vatican archives, has resurfaced, claiming to predict the exact year that ‘Judgment Day’ will occur—and it’s just two years away, per

The text, known as the “Prophecy of the Popes,” was written in the 12th century by an Irish bishop named Saint Malachy and supposedly outlines the sequence of 112 popes, from Celestine II in 1143 to Pope Francis today.

But what has really sent shockwaves through believers and skeptics alike is that the prophecy pencils in the year when Jesus is expected to return, bringing the Final Judgment upon humanity. So if you have any plans in 2027, perhaps rearrange.

Discovered in 1590, the prophecy includes 112 cryptic Latin phrases, each describing a future pope.

Pope Francis seems to be the last mentioned in the book. Credit: Sean Gallup / Getty

The final passage in Saint Malachy’s book is the most terrifying of all. According to Daily Star, it reads:

“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

Some believe this means that after Pope Francis steps down or passes away, a new pope – potentially named Peter – will take over and lead the Church through its last days.

Pope Francis, now 88 years old, has been battling serious health issues, including acute respiratory failure, fueling speculation that his time as Supreme Pontiff may be coming to an end.

According to legend, Saint Malachy had a vision of all future popes while visiting Rome in 1139.

His prophecies—although cryptic – have appeared to match up with historical events, leading some to believe he may have truly predicted the future leaders of the Church.

Could we be coming to the end? Credit: Vatican Pool / Getty

Of course, not everyone is convinced. Some scholars argue that the prophecy is nothing more than a forgery, created in the 16th century for political reasons.

Critics point out that Saint Malachy’s descriptions become oddly vague after the book’s alleged rediscovery – suggesting it may have been written much later.

The Catholic Church itself doesn’t officially recognize the prophecy, stating that while some predictions seem eerily accurate, “there have been many more misses.”

Some of the other correct predictions include:

  • Pope John XXII (1316–1334) – Malachy wrote “de sutore ossed,” meaning “from the bony shoemaker.” Pope John XXII was the son of a shoemaker, and his family name Ossa literally translates to “bone.”
  • Pope Urban VIII (1623–1644) – Malachy described him as “lilium et rosa” (“lily and rose”). Urban VIII’s family coat of arms? Covered in lilies and roses.
  • Pope John Paul II (1978–2005) – His description was “De labore Solis” (“eclipse of the sun”). Shockingly, John Paul II was born during a solar eclipse in the 1920s.
  • Pope Benedict XVI (2005–2013) – Malachy called the 111th pope “Gloria Olivae” (“Glory of the olive”). The Order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, making the prophecy eerily fitting.

There’s no official date given to the 2027 judgment day, so best take the whole year off of work just in case.

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